Monday, July 6, 2009

up to date

it as a age for the pass, i should abandon / postpone my pass..
because i wanna to up to date for it…

okay, the only date we only can have it on July because we are poor enough..
drove out by me and ready on the car.. *weee*

actually decide went to TS, but last minute in the junction i change my mind i drove to sunway.
because, i remember sister friend send a msg told don’t go TS so often H1N1 influenza are around i think better avoid to go there,if can..
(p/s: i’m not scare dead, if can just avoid)

it was very early we went out, because wanna watch transformer revenge..
after the parking , went quickly to cinema area to bought
the ticket but you knows wat happen huh?
the line are damn long till come out d…OMG! don’t think tha
t we can see the movie..
while line up talking with bii, i saw someone that i kn
ow but is abit far so i don’t bother it, who knows the people msg me.. ;p

actually argue with bii actually wanna see which movie, instead of transformers because the available only got it after 9pm..
finally we decide to have ICE-AGE 3D, because we never watch 3D before..

we went to have our breakfast at 3JC then after that we walk around then my leg was freaking pain because i wear heels..urgh~ so faster to get a place to sit..
and i was Tzia with her boy walk pass by me , i did
not manage to say HI with her because she was on call..
ennn ennn, then we had lil snack since we are tired wal
king around..

after that, game time as usual.. xchange RM10 for it..

we play Mario go-kart, time-crisis , then some shooting games..
on call with who? loong lor..

so i did manage to camwhore will bii play the shooting game..

your truly

not forget my bii

after the game we go hang around again, we went to see the pets..
freaking cutie hamster, i love it so much…

not to waste the time , bii went to buy something at asia avenue..

here, i to show my outfit...abit lolita~~ *weeee*

then we headed to cinema..

yea, is very the first time i watch 3D movie.. bit excited just like a kid..

i camwhore..

and purposely with the 3D glasses… & the sit number 9..

not bad watch it on 3D, and the story not bad too.. quite funny..rated as 7/10..

so after the movie we had nothing to do or else place to go..
but den we decide to out from sunway first only decide and how bad, we forget where we park..
lucky i did snap down the number lot.. yea~

so we decide go to nearby my house there de café, station 1..
what a long time never been there with bii…=)

should stop here, next post continue with it…

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