Wednesday, September 1, 2010

One Malaysia?!

Merdeka eve, staying at home .. Enough bored, no one ask me out.. =x
Plus the babe ffk me..
Another day get to know a lot new during the merdeka eve, a lot Chinese get attack by Malay!
This call 1 Malaysia?
Please refer to FB notes!
The racism issue is getting serious d! i’m not racism , but really pissed off when i saw it..
damn disappointed!
About Namewee issue, i support him..
this is damn unfair!why he need to apologize about the song , and the farking brainless headmaster she got nothing to do with it?
She no need to take responsible about what she talk and why Namewee do?!
because of this farking brainless headmaster , the Malays doesn’t respect Chinese at all..
wadafak with it!!
Don’t they got brain to think about it?
How la?! No one are stand out to talk, i believe if continue like this a lot a lot cases will happen soon..
God Bless Us..

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